Protein L1 is also a translational repressor protein, it controls the translation of the L11 operon by binding to its mRNA (By similarity). Binds directly to 23S rRNA. Forms the L1 stalk. Unlike the case in the Thermus thermophilus 70S ribosome, this protein is not seen to block the exit path of the E site tRNA. It is clear that the protein in the structure is flexible however, so this is probably due to its position in these crystals. DR_2045 50S ribosomal protein L1 rplA RL1_DEIRA 233 MPKHGKRYRALEGKVDRNKQYSIDEAAALVKELATAKFDETVEVHFRLGIDPRKSDQNVRGTVALPHGTGRSVRVAVITKGENVQAAEAAGADVVGSDELIERIAGGFMDFDAVVATPDMMAQIGQKLARLLGPRGLLPNPKSGTVGADVAGMVRGLKAGRIEFRNDKTGVVHAPIGKASFESGNLSANYQALISALEGAKPGTAKGVFLRSAYLTTTMGPSIPLALGGAALA