180 DR_0323 MQQLKTKYNDQVRPALMQQFGYSSVMAVPRIEKIVVNEGLGSSKEDSKAIDKAAKELALITLQKPIITKAKKSISNFKLRQGMPVGIKVTLRGERMYVFLEKLINIGLPRIRDFRGINPNAFDGRGNYNLGIKEQLIFPEITYDMVDKTRGMDITIVTTAKTDEEARALLQSMGLPFRKQ This is 1 of the proteins that binds and probably mediates the attachment of the 5S RNA into the large ribosomal subunit, where it forms part of the central protuberance. In the 70S ribosome it contacts protein S13 of the 30S subunit (bridge B1b), connecting the 2 subunits; this bridge is implicated in subunit movement (By similarity). Contacts the P site tRNA; the 5S rRNA and some of its associated proteins might help stabilize positioning of ribosome-bound tRNAs. 50S ribosomal protein L5 rplE RL5_DEIRA