Pimelyl-[acyl-carrier protein] methyl ester esterase MTALYWQTIGEGERDLVLLHGWGLNAEVWSCIQALTPHFRLHLVDLPGYGRSQGFGALSLAQMTEIVLAAAPPQAWWLGWSLGGLVASQAALMQPQRVSGLITVASSPCFAARDEWPGIRPDVLSGFQHQLSLDFQRTVERFLALQTLGTESARQDARQLKAVVLNQPTPSVEVLNGGLEILRTADLRAPLAELNLPLLRIYGYLDGLVPRKVAELLDAAWPNSTSQIVAKAAHAPFISHPDEFVTMIEAFIAAH 255 Biotin synthesis protein BioH Carboxylesterase BioH The physiological role of BioH is to remove the methyl group introduced by BioC when the pimeloyl moiety is complete. It allows to synthesize pimeloyl-ACP via the fatty acid synthetic pathway through the hydrolysis of the ester bonds of pimeloyl-ACP esters. Also displays a weak thioesterase activity. Can form a complex with CoA, and may be involved in the condensation of CoA and pimelic acid into pimeloyl-CoA, a precursor in biotin biosynthesis. BIOH_SERMA bioH