MGGFLVEKIKIVLADDNKDFCQVLKEYLSNEDDIDILGIAKDGIEALDLVKKTQPDLLILDVIMPHLDGLGVIEKLNTMDIPKMPKIIVLSAVGQDKITQSAINLGADYYIVKPFDFVVFINRIRELVSNRVTQVEPKPRPVQETQMTRSDFVKNVGNIETEITNIIHEIGVPAHIKGYLYLREAMKMVIDNVELLGAVTKELYPSIAKKFNTTPSRVERAIRHAIEVAWSRGKVDTINQLFGYTVHNTKGKPTNSEFIAMIADKLRLEHSMVK spo0A SP0A_CLODI 274 Stage 0 sporulation protein A homolog May play the central regulatory role in sporulation. It may be an element of the effector pathway responsible for the activation of sporulation genes in response to nutritional stress. Spo0A may act in concert with spo0H (a sigma factor) to control the expression of some genes that are critical to the sporulation process (By similarity).