VG26_BPP22 Packaged DNA stabilization protein MADPSLNNPVVIQATRLDASILPRNVFSKSYLLYVIAQGTDVGAIAGKANEAGQGAYDAQVKNDEQDVELADHEARIKQLRIDVDDHESRITANTKAITALNVRVTTAEGEIASLQTNVSALDGRVTTAENNISALQADYVSKTATTSQSLASPLNVTTSYSVGGKKVLGARQTGWTAATGTANKGVFDADLTFAVSDTYTQSEIQAIANALITERRRTKALEDALRAHGLID 233 Cell-perforating component and plug protein of the phage tail machine. Host cell membrane perforation allows viral DNA injection. Together with gp4 and gp10, gp26 is required for stabilization of the condensed DNA within the capsid by plugging the hole through which the DNA enters. Tail accessory factor gp26 26 Tail needle protein gp26 Head completion protein