OsI_19806 Protein N-terminal glutamine amidohydrolase 231 NTAQ1_ORYSI Mediates the side-chain deamidation of N-terminal glutamine residues to glutamate, an important step in N-end rule pathway of protein degradation. Conversion of the resulting N- terminal glutamine to glutamate renders the protein susceptible to arginylation, polyubiquitination and degradation as specified by the N-end rule. Does not act on substrates with internal or C- terminal glutamine and does not act on non-glutamine residues in any position (By similarity). OsI_19806 Protein NH2-terminal glutamine deamidase MADDRVAGGATPPPPPPPPPLDASAFTHTPYYCEENVHLLCKELIRSGISDPAGTDLYAVFISNEEKKVPLWYQKASHSGDGFVLWDYHVICIQSRRKNGEVLDLVWDLDSSLPFPCSFIQYVSDAIRPLSFGNSTYRRLFRVIHAPVFLRSFASDRSHMKDHAGNWIQLPPKYESIVAEDGTTNNLNEYITMSMDDVKDLESMADDVYSSKHGVVINETILPEFFSRLPG