IAA19 MSG2 Protein MASSUGU 2 MJK13.20 197 IAA19_ARATH Aux/IAA proteins are short-lived transcriptional factors that function as repressors of early auxin response genes at low auxin concentrations. Repression is thought to result from the interaction with auxin response factors (ARFs), proteins that bind to the auxin-responsive promoter element (AuxRE). Formation of heterodimers with ARF proteins may alter their ability to modulate early auxin response genes expression. Indoleacetic acid-induced protein 19 At3g15540 Auxin-responsive protein IAA19 MEKEGLGLEITELRLGLPGRDVAEKMMKKRAFTEMNMTSSGSNSDQCESGVVSSGGDAEKVNDSPAAKSQVVGWPPVCSYRKKNSCKEASTTKVGLGYVKVSMDGVPYLRKMDLGSSQGYDDLAFALDKLFGFRGIGVALKDGDNCEYVTIYEDKDGDWMLAGDVPWGMFLESCKRLRIMKRSDATGFGLQPRGVDE