Interleukin-12 subunit alpha IL12A IL-12 subunit p35 IL12A_CANFA MCPPRGLLLVTILVLLSHLDHLTWARSLPTASPSPGIFQCLNHSQNLLRAVSNTLQKARQTLDYIPCTSEEIDHEDITKDKTSTVEACLPLELTMNESCLASREISLITNGSCLASGKASFMTVLCLSSIYEDLKMYQMEFKAMNAKLLMDPKRQIFLDQNMLTAIDELLQALNFNSVTVPQKSSLEEPDFYKTKIKLCILLHAFRIRAVTIDRMMSYLNSS Cytotoxic lymphocyte maturation factor 35 kDa subunit Cytokine that can act as a growth factor for activated T and NK cells, enhance the lytic activity of NK/lymphokine- activated Killer cells, and stimulate the production of IFN-gamma by resting PBMC (By similarity). 222