1 Braybrook Siobhan A 2005 Sep 16113228 We identified the Arabidopsis (Arabidopsis thaliana) tanmei/emb2757 (tan) mutation that causes defects in both embryo and seedling development. tan mutant embryos share many characteristics with the leafy cotyledon (lec) class of mutants in that they accumulate anthocyanin, are intolerant of desiccation, form trichomes on cotyledons, and have reduced accumulation of storage proteins and lipids. Thus, TAN functions both in the early and late phases of embryo development. Moreover, the TAN and LEC genes interact synergistically, suggesting that they do not act in series in the same genetic pathway but, rather, that they have overlapping roles during embryogenesis. tan mutants die as embryos, but immature mutant seeds can be germinated in culture. However, tan mutant seedlings are defective in shoot and root development, their hypocotyls fail to elongate in the dark, and they die as seedlings. We isolated the TAN gene and showed that the predicted polypeptide has seven WD repeat motifs, suggesting that TAN forms complexes with other proteins. Together, these results suggest that TAN interacts with other proteins to control many aspects of embryo development. Yee Kelly Matsudaira Pelletier Julie Harada John J Goldberg Robert B 139 TANMEI/EMB2757 encodes a WD repeat protein required for embryo development in Arabidopsis. 163-73 Fischer Robert L Nagata Noriko Yamagishi Kazutoshi Yoshida Shigeo Fujioka Shozo Yamagishi Kazutoshi et al. 2005 Sep. Plant Physiol. 139(1):163-73.