Developmentally controlled farnesylation modulates AtNAP1;1 function in cell proliferation and cell expansion during Arabidopsis leaf development. In multicellular organisms, organogenesis requires tight control and coordination of cell proliferation, cell expansion, and cell differentiation. We have identified Arabidopsis (Arabidopsis thaliana) nucleosome assembly protein 1 (AtNAP1;1) as a component of a regulatory mechanism that connects cell proliferation to cell growth and expansion during Arabidopsis leaf development. Molecular, biochemical, and kinetic studies of AtNAP1;1 gain- or loss-of-function mutants indicate that AtNAP1;1 promotes cell proliferation or cell expansion in a developmental context and as a function of the farnesylation status of the protein. AtNAP1;1 was farnesylated and localized to the nucleus during the cell proliferation phase of leaf development when it promotes cell division. Later in leaf development, nonfarnesylated AtNAP1;1 accumulates in the cytoplasm when it promotes cell expansion. Ectopic expression of nonfarnesylated AtNAP1;1, which localized to the cytoplasm, disrupts this developmental program by promoting unscheduled cell expansion during the proliferation phase. Galichet Arnaud et al. 2006 Dec. Plant Physiol. 142(4):1412-26. 1412-26 Gruissem Wilhelm 17041028 2006 Dec 4 Galichet Arnaud 142