<p> Phenylacetate-CoA ligase (PA-CoA ligase) catalyzes the first step in aromatic catabolism of phenylacetic acid (PA) into phenylacetyl-CoA (PA-CoA) [<cite idref="PUB00010200"/>]. Often located in a conserved gene cluster with enzymes involved in phenylacetic acid activation (paaG/H/I/J), phenylacetate-CoA ligase has been found among the proteobacteria as well as in Gram-positive prokaryotes [<cite idref="PUB00015494"/>]. In the B-subclass proteobacterium <taxon tax_id="59406">Azoarcus evansii</taxon>, phenylacetate-CoA ligase has been shown to be induced under aerobic and anaerobic growth conditions. It remains unclear however, whether this induction is due to the same enzyme or to another isoenzyme restricted to specific anaerobic growth conditions [<cite idref="PUB00015495"/>].</p> Phenylacetate-CoA ligase