<p>This entry represents the phage single stranded-DNA (ssDNA) binding protein, gp32, from <taxon tax_id="10665">Bacteriophage T4</taxon>. Gp32 is essential for T4 DNA replication, recombination and repair, acting to stimulate replisome processing and accuracy through its binding to ssDNA as the replication fork advances. The crystal structure of gp32 shows an ssDNA binding cleft comprised of regions from three structural subdomains, through which ssDNA can slide freely [<cite idref="PUB00016302"/>]. The structure of gp32 is similar to other phage ssDNA-binding proteins such as gp2.5 from bacteriophage T4, and gene V protein, both of which have a nucleic acid-binding OB-type fold. However, gp32 contains a zinc-finger subdomain at residues 63-111 that is not found in the other two phage proteins.</p> Phage single-stranded DNA-binding protein, Gene 32 protein core