健常人iPS細胞株。健常者の末梢血単核球にエピソーマルベクターを用いてOCT3/4, SOX2, KLF4, L-MYC, LIN28, mp53DD, EBNA1を導入して樹立。 Attach TERMS and CONDITIONS (non-for-profit) or TERMS and CONDITIONS (for-profit) to MTA (C-0007 or C-0007p) . 健常人由来iPS細胞株(健康に関する附随情報有あり)。HPS4110, HPS4111, HPS4112, HPS4113, HPS4114, HPS4115は同一人由来。Feeder free培養。緩慢冷却法保存。 Currently not ready. Human iPS cell line derived from healthy individual. HPS4110, HPS4111, HPS4112, HPS4113, HPS4114, HPS4115 were derived from the same person. Order Form (C-0042, C-0007 or C-0007p). 未整備。健常人由来iPS細胞株。HPS4110, HPS4111, HPS4112, HPS4113, HPS4114, HPS4115は同一人由来。Feeder free培養。緩慢冷却法保存。 Healthy donor iPS cells. iPS cells were established from the peripheral blood mononuclear cells of healthy donor using episomal vectors encoding OCT3/4, SOX2, KLF4, L-MYC, LIN28, mp53DD and EBNA1. Human iPS cell line derived from a healthy individual. HPS4110, HPS4111, HPS4112, HPS4113, HPS4114, HPS4115 were derived from the same person. HPS4115 別紙1 (非営利) または別紙1 (営利) を提供同意書 (C-0003またはC-0003p) に添付すること。 HPS4115