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Open Science Projects
Information Platforms
We have formulated the "Fourth ICT Strategy" as a vision to achieve the goals outlined in "Goals for Business Operations to be Achieved by RIKEN" (March 1, 2018, Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology). We have compiled a concrete action plan for the construction of the world's highest level information environment described in the 4th ICT Strategy, and are promoting the construction of the information environment based on this.
Based on the ICT strategy, we are building and operating the RIKEN Data Science Platform, which strongly supports the aggregation, sharing, and disclosure of research data. The authentication/authorization system implements an open and closed strategy for research data. And our research data repository aggregates and manages a wide variety of research data that is intimately linked within and outside RIKEN. Moreover, it is used as a basis for joint research inside and outside RIKEN to disclose research data.
This database portal site is used to aggregate, integrate, and publish metadata that describes research data and databases acquired in RIKEN's research activities. This platform is compliant with Semantic Web technology and is designed for seamless integration with various metadata classes around the world. One of the published contents is the catalog of the databases published by RIKEN with their corresponding metadata including detailed explanations about the main utility of the research data.
Life Sciences
“Open Life Science Platform” is a part of the project, in which we collect and integrate life science data in multi-levels and multi-modals, from molecules to organisms. The different types of observations enable a detailed prediction of the cell status and individuals. We allow the manipulation of life science data with data-driven approaches based on big-data analysis technologies including machine learning and artificial intelligence. We expect that the platform will provide optimized research exploration and utilization of open big data, to evolve our current research style by a new data-driven approach for life sciences.
Events and Symposia
Research data policy management and utilization strategies vary greatly depending on research fields. To accelerate research by accumulating, analyzing, and distributing research data, it is necessary to build and operate an information infrastructure including the development of metadata by considering differences in research fields. RIKEN symposium will be held to discuss what integrated strategies, infrastructure, and technologies are needed to maximize the use of diverse research data by multiple researchers who are involved in data production, collecting, and analysis at the forefront of research sites.